

WHY did I do this web site?
A few of my favourite things....
The person behind the webmistress...

o you really wanted to know who was behind this mess of unofficial P:TL web pages?


I confess, it's me! ...and guess what? The First Unofficial Website for Viewers of Poltergeist: The Legacy (which turned into the "LegacyWeb") was my very FIRST attempt at designing a web site back in 1996 (in its original form on my ISP webspace.) I received a WYSIWYG html editor in mid-August 1996 (my techno-Dad thought I should try it) and there was no stopping me from there. Learning by doing works best for me and it's much easier when I'm doing something with a purpose and not just a class project or a tutorial. All the graphics (text, artwork and background tiles) were done by me using CorelDRAW & PHOTO-PAINT. Anyhow, click on the text-graphics to the left to find out WHY I did this website, some of my Favorite things and to learn a little bit more About Me, if you are truly desperate for something to do. By the way, despite what you may think after perusing my webpages...I am really quite boringly normal!

"They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night." - Edgar Allen Poe from Eleanora (1841)

Text & Graphics written and designed by Clair..
Copyright © 1997-2001 Clair aka "Clarianna" (netname). All rights reserved.