Welcome to the Derek Rayne fanlisting. Derek is a character from The Poltergeist: The Legacy™ television series, played by Dutch actor Derek de Lint (visit derekdelintfansite.com). This site is a part of The Fanlisting Network, officially approved for the TV/Movie Character category on 16-FEB-2003. If you are a Derek Rayne fan, please read the rules and join!

Who is Derek Rayne? He is a psychic and the extraordinary Precept of The San Francisco Legacy House (fronted by the Luna Foundation.) Read more about Derek Rayne.

What is a Fanlisting? "A fanlisting is a place for all fans of a particular show, movie, actor/actress, singer, etc. to come together and build the biggest listing of people from all around the world who are fans of that subject." - thefanlistings.org

Affiliate: Derek de Lint Fanlisting

Derek fanlist last updated: 30-JAN-2025

Poltergeist: The Legacy™ & © MGM