See the NEWS page for the latest info on the actors in P:TL.
Personal Information
to Brendan O. for the following: "Patrick was born in
Cork City, Ireland and has lived in the U.S. for more than
ten years. He has a long time relationship with the Irish
Repertory Theatre, in New York, and has starred in many of
their off-Broadway plays - most critically acclaimed. He appeared
on Broadway in something or other. Lives in New York City."
The dog "Cola Fitzgerald" from the credits of the play "The Shaughraun" is actually Patrick's dog!
Old News
After much wondering and wishing by the fans, Patrick was back as Father Philip Callaghan in Poltergeist The Legacy's season four episodes (both parts of a two-parter) called "The Unholy Congress" and "Sacrifice."
Remember back in October 1998, when Executive Producer Richard Barton Lewis basically said in a celeb chat that he has heard the pleas for "more Philip" on P:TL and (it sounded "iffy") they'd try and get him back? He wasn't fibbing! :-) Everyone was so excited to hear that Patrick Fitzgerald's character "Philip" on "Poltergeist: The Legacy" would be back for an appearance in season four. THANKS RICHARD for getting Patrick back for the two episodes: "Unholy Congress" and "The Sacrifice."
Thanks to Patti Thompson (1st Unofficial PF page) for first passing along on this info on 1/24/98 which was sent to her from a P:TL Executive Producer, Grant Rosenberg:
Father Philip Callahan is returning, by popular demand. We start shooting a two part episode on Monday, which features him in a prominent role.
Note: Patrick had a stage accident the weekend prior to the production of those two episodes (see below.)
Thanks to Brendan O. for the heads-up to this article on Tuesday, January 26, 1999 about Patrick's stage accident and him still going on with the show! - read "Irish Troupe Suffers for Its Art" by Jim Dwyer at the New York Daily News
January 1999 - "The Shaughraun" at the Irish Rep in NYC. Patrick plays Conn, the leader character.
Thanks to "J.F." who sent an email on 1/4/99 to give us the heads-up on Patrick's latest stage gig:
"The Irish Rep is currently running an old Irish melodrama entitled, The Shaughraun (translates as The Vagabond). Patrick is playing the title character, a ne'er-do-well who drinks, poaches and lies about."